Dress | Jean Jacket | Shoes | Sunglasses | Earrings – Similar
This weekend was a rough one! Spent Saturday night at the Emergency Animal Hospital with my big puppy who was extremely sick. He gets stressed out whenever we leave town and this time he made himself so sick with worry that it ended with an overnight stay for him with IV fluids and meds. I won’t lie I was worried sick all weekend hoping he’d be ok. Thankfully he seems to be doing much better!
I’m a huge animal lover. I like to say I own a small farm, even though I don’t live on a farm – but with 4 large dogs and a horse it kind of qualify’s as a small farm. Which means a lot of my daily routine involves taking care of all my four legged kids and therefore my clothing choices don’t start out as the nice put together ensembles you see in these pics. It’s a full laundry basket progression of shorts and t-shirts to walk the dogs, leggings and sports bras to workout, riding breeches and tall boots for the barn…then I get to shower and transform myself into an actual decently dressed human. Some days that means I don’t even get “dressed” until close to 3:00! So when I find something that involves very little effort involved in putting something on, I grab one in every color!
I don’t know about you but for me the thing that takes me the most time to get ready is getting dressed. Don’t get me wrong I can put together an outfit but it doesn’t always happen in the blink of an eye. Sometimes that process ends up being a hot mess of clothes piled on the floor in the center of my closet before I actually decide on something I like. And if you’re like me a lot of it has to do with how I’m feeling that day.
This dress has become one of my favorite “throw on and go” pieces when I don’t have the time or energy to think about what I want to wear and still look like I had my outfit planned out a week in advance – because let’s be real who does that?? Although it would eliminate at least one of my bad habits – being late. I swear I can shower, dry and style my hair, and put my makeup on in lighting speed if necessary but then I walk into my closet and it’s like I hit the slo-mo button! Why does that happen? With all the clothes hanging in my closest why is it so hard to put something together in an instant? I guess I could try to be more organized and do that Pinterest thing where you take pictures of all your clothes and download them to some App and it spits out outfits for you, but even that sounds like too much effort!
So back to the dress. I’m not a big dress person although for hot Dallas summer days sometimes a casual dress is more comfortable than shorts (which I’ve already discussed I don’t like to wear in this post). This is one of those dresses. It’s the softest, stretchiest cotton and the shirred side hem makes it fit just about every figure perfectly. It’s one of those wardrobe staples that you can wear year round with layers. I’ve seen so many influencers and friends wearing it this season and since i’m not really a dress person I never really gave it a second thought. But it recently went on sale and I thought what the heck I’ll try it on and as soon as I slipped it over my head I knew why everyone has been wearing it! And as a bonus it comes in like 10 different colors!
It’s like you’re favorite pair of jeans. Those jeans you’ve worn so many times the denim is as soft as Egyptian cotton and they hug every inch of you body in all the right places and every time you reach for a pair of jeans they’re the one’s you reach for! (Working on my list of my favorite pairs of jeans for another post!) Dress it up or dress is down, wear it with flats or heels this dress is a no brainer and I mean that in the literal sense of the word because you really do not have to even think twice about putting it on!
Photography by Madison Katlin

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